Monday, 26 May 2014

Seth's birthday

Today is May 26th- Seth Timothy Miggiani's 16th birthday.  However, there is no boy here by that name, anymore.  Tears well up thinking about this.  Just when you think you've been through the hardest, darkest days...along comes another one.  And here it is.  Today.

I think of my happy, glowing, exuberant son...and that makes this day even sadder.

We are in Ireland, so I can't even put a simple little flower at his grave.

Three months after we lost Seth (Sept. 5, 2010), I sat in church and asked the congregation, during sharetime,  if we could all just send Seth a 'group' hug up to Heaven.  Because, here I am as his mom, not able to give him anything or do anything for him anymore....but I could do that.  Unfortunately, nobody heard what I said, since I sobbed too hard as I said it, and so I couldn't even give him that.

Please pray that we all have strength to live through this day.  Thank you and God bless you.

Seth with his rabbit.  He thought Rabeetsio, was a funny way to say rabbit, so he named it that.
Seth loved go-karts, gardening, and talking/teaching those younger than himself (his cousin Jordan here).
The first day of school.  Seth is the 2nd from right.  He was going into 6th grade.  This was only 1 or 2 weeks before the accident!  It was the last picture of the children as a group.  I didn't have the emotional strength to take any more family pictures for a 'long' time after that!  I used to love lining them up by age, and now the obvious hole in the lineup makes it too hard.

Seth (3rd from right) and Anna making silly faces.